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Stefan Soeffky
2 Watchers14 Deviations

Prometheus' Tod

2 min read
Nun ist es endlich soweit! Der Roman "Prometheus´ Tod", an dem ich so lange gearbeitet habe, und der dann immer noch lange auf seine Veröffentlichung warten ließ, ist ab jetzt erhältlich. Erschienen ist er wieder bei BoD. Erzählt wird eine satanisch-romantische Geschichte mit viel Humor, Blasphemie und Melancholie.
Hier der Klappentext:
Prometheus, der Teufel selbst, erzählt uns die Geschichte von Hannes Harlekin, der sich vom glücklichen Kind zum melancholischen Jugendlichen und dann fast zu einer Erlöserfigur entwickelt. Immer wieder und immer stärker greift Prometheus in Hannes´ Leben ein bis es eines Tages zum Eklat kommt. „Prometheus´ Tod" vereint Romantik und Humor, Mystik und Satire, Ansichten über die Ewigkeit und solche über den Zeitgeist. Zum Schluss wird ein seltsames Spiel mit Erzählperspektiven so manchen Leser bestricken und mit verändertem Blick von diesem Buch aufschauen lassen.

Erhältlich ist der Roman z.B. hier:…
Aber auch jede Buchhandlung kann den Roman bestellen, dafür braucht ihr zumindest folgende Infos, falls die noch nicht klar sind: Autor: Stefan Soeffky, Titel: "Prometheus´ Tod"
Es würde mich sehr freuen, wenn das Buch seinen Weg zu ein paar Lesern findet. Wer Franz Kafka, Anne Rice oder Robert Anton Wilson mag, wäre wohl auch mit diesem Buch gut bedient.
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Ich habe hier ja schon vor längerer Zeit die Veröffentlichung meines ersten Romans "Prometheus' Tod" angekündigt. Diese wird jetzt aber wohl immer noch ein paar Monate auf sich warten lassen. Ich arbeite dran.
In den nächsten Wochen wird allerdings ein Band mit Kuzgeschichten und einigen Gedichten aus meiner Feder erscheinen. Das Buch enthält zum ersten Mal alle Zeitlochgeschichten und -sprachexperimente, die bisher vor allem bei Lesungen bekannt wurden, zusammengefasst, so dass sich dem Leser deren größerer Zusammenhang erschließt. Ergänzend dazu enthält das Buch weitere Kurzgeschichten und Gedichte aus meiner mittlerweile beendeten Studentenzeit. Alles in Allem präsentieren sich hier auf 124 Seiten die unterschiedlichsten Facetten des "Bewusstseinsguerilla" Alexander Zeitloch, meines literarischen Alter Egos, das so gerne seine Angriffe auf allerlei Weltanschauungen und Denkgewohnheiten verübt.
Das Buch wird erhältlich sein bei Amazon und Libri und darüberhinaus in jeder Buchhandlung bestellbar.
Autor und Titel: Stefan Soeffky - Zeitlochs ewige Abenteuer
ISBN: 9783837030280
Preis: 12,90 Euro
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my first novel

1 min read
After a longer web absence I'm finally back online. I have finished my first novel by now. It's called "Prometheus' Tod" and I'm looking forward to selling it to a publisher. I have already presented it to a small audience a few weeks ago and got very positive feedback. Hopefully I am going to sell it this year so you will be able to buy it in bookstores.
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Put me in a drawer with Coelho, Ginsberg, Hesse, Nietzsche, Flaubert, Hemingway and others. I am currently recovering from a psychotic episode and spend my days in the small, small world of a local clinic. Having a chance to surf the internet I find more and more writers who had psychiatric treatment. I am happy that I'm getting better. I wonder if the cause for episodes like that is the fact that writers strain their creativity and fantasy a little more than ordinary people. Some of the doctors tend to suggest that you should resign then, but they don't know enough about literature. Most of the writers who have suffered from a mental "illness" went on writing after a crisis, producing some of their best works. Even Nietzsche who is said to have been plain mad in the last decades of his life produced some great works in that period.
I will not let those discourage me, who think I am stupid or living in a fantasy world all the time. I will go on writing the way others have. The best stories have not been told, yet.
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A retro haircut

3 min read
A few days ago I got myself a new haircut. Now I really look beatish, like an early Beatle, even. I've got exactly the same haircut John Lennon had when the Beatles started their career. And that's not all. I wear a black turtleneck, too, and black jeans and when i look at myself in shop windows I can also see my shiny red Doc Martens and I wear my half-long black coat and dark gray gloves that leave my fingertips free.
And I hold a cigarette between the index and middle finger of my right hand and look at myself and think although I might look slightly misplaced it's not the worst time to wear that look.
Is this the right haircut to work out your personal contract with the Devil, John Lennon said he had signed to become famous?
And would that mean you would have to get shot and die young? Maybe the Devil just doesn't like it if you change your haircut.
I wish I knew what John Lennon had done to conjure up the Devil. Maybe it's in the Satanic Bible but I've got it packed away cause I'm moving.
Well, once you're through with nihilism, even a pact with the Devil is not any more exciting than the sports part of the news. It's boring as hell, although it might be called eccentric. Well, at least it's eccentric. Something you can't say about watching the sports part of the news.
And there's another thing I wonder about and I might never find out. What did the Beatles sound like, if you hadn't heard Led Zeppelin before, or Aerosmith, or The Ramones, or Joy Division, U2, Nirvana, Metallica and what not.
When our ears were not yet oversaturated with the pop sounds everyone from the Noth to the South Pole has heard today, what did the Beatles sound like? Why did they make girls scream with a few simple chords?
It's kind of a mystery. Maybe it had to happen as part of God's plan? As if God and the Devil had worked out a nice little surprise for a New Age if it is one.
But I like to believe that it is one, that it has started. Helps me feel safer. Feels good to think that in the decades before me many talented people had conspired to make the world a little better. They might laugh about me when I say that but I tell you, you that I call the elders of our era, if you laugh about me liking to believe in a New Age you might sell yourself for less than you're worth.
And what I said about God and the Devil - sounds nice, right? But God, The Devil, that's poetry! Religion is Art! Let's make Art our New Religion!
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Prometheus' Tod by AlexanderZeitl0ch, journal

Werbung in eigener Sache by AlexanderZeitl0ch, journal

my first novel by AlexanderZeitl0ch, journal

madness and genius... by AlexanderZeitl0ch, journal

A retro haircut by AlexanderZeitl0ch, journal